This is why you want to be an optimist

Do optimists smile all day?  Do they just sit back and relax as they will wait for the universe to deliver the goods? Are optimists constantly disappointed as they have such high expectations? 

5 reasons why you want to be an optimist!

These common conceptions above are a simplified version which isn’t what research on optimism shows. As you might imagine, there is more to simply being an optimist.

Let’s first take a look at the term optimism as the above conceptions make optimism look like all unicorns and rainbows; I prefer to use the term healthy optimism

A healthy optimist understands that both optimism and pessimism are useful perspectives. On many occasions in life we need both, and finding a balance that works well for you is helpful. 

For example, if you are mentally bracing for imagined worst-case scenarios it is easier to predict challenges so you can take preventative actions. Planning for and expecting challenges can make you feel more confident, resilient, even more courageous ( Isn’t that what we all want?). At the same time, you develop your persistence and creative problem-solving skills when things are difficult.  

It’s about how much risk and which context is involved within these situations. When you are building machines for example it is a good idea to be slightly pessimistic. When you are in sales it is useful to be slightly optimistic. That’s why the term healthy optimism is used here. A bit of both is most handy. 

Having this clarified, let’s take a look at the 5 reasons why you want to be a healthy optimist!

Nr 1: More happiness

Having a positive mindset is scientifically proven to boost happiness. If you are actively focused on finding the positive aspects of your life, you’ll naturally start to see the silver linings in challenging situations. It doesn’t mean you are smiling all day, it means you train your abilities to see your life and everything that comes with it in a more positive way. And yes, that will make you smile.

When you think about the future in an optimistic way you tend to think about the good things that can happen. This flow of positive thoughts can add joy to your life. An optimistic outlook can fill your life with “the goods” and makes your life feel much more rewarding. 

Nr 2: A better health

While researchers have long known that there is a significant relationship between poor psychological health and cardiovascular disease, studies are now showing that traits like hope and optimism, along with a higher level of satisfaction with one’s life, are linked to a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. 

Optimists experience lower stress levels, better sleep and tend to eat healthier. Funny fact based on research; did you know optimists tend to eat a lot more during social events? I definitely recognise my optimistic friends here.

Nr 3: A better performance

An optimist doesn't give up as easily as a pessimist, they are more likely to achieve success because of it. People with optimistic attitudes are more likely to continue working toward their goals, even in the face of obstacles, challenges, and setbacks. Positive emotions absolutely boost our performance. 

An interesting side note is that business leaders are spending more time analysing and working on character qualities (such as optimism) that build the foundation for achievement instead of focussing purely on achievement and profit. Employees with a positive outlook on the future can pay more attention to their work, be more alert, take on more responsibility, and work more diligently, resulting in greater success. How interesting is this? I simply love this shift as it is more about people's strengths and character training in the workspace ( bring on the optimists!).

Nr 4: Better coping

Optimists cope better with stress and take more direct action when they are faced with adversity. When something bad happens, the positive habits of thinking kick in and they look for ways the situation isn’t as bad as they thought and how things will get better.  Optimism gives hope and this relates to how we think and feel about the future. It’s easier to deal with setbacks when you really do think that things will work out for the best. 

As Winston Churchill once said, “Optimists see opportunities in every difficulty.”

Nr 5: Better relationships

Positive emotions are contagious. In the workplace or in your private life. This means that one positive person or team can have a ripple effect on the rest of the organisation. Optimists also tend to be liked more and tend to have longer, better and healthier relationships. Research has even shown that partners of optimists were affected by their partner’s positive outlook, even when they were not optimist’s.

So all together, what defines an optimist is more than just a happy disposition and more about his or her response to curveballs and setbacks. This has its effect on your health, performance & coping skills and on your relationships. The overall effect is that optimists tend to experience more happiness.


it’s not always easy to be this way. Thinking with an optimistic mindset takes practice, practice and even more practice. So how about next time when things get difficult, be realistic for yourself.

Nobody can be a perfect optimist.

Start small and begin to look for your own drops of optimism within yourself. 


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