Nice to meet you!
My name is Natasja, an optimist by nature.
My background lies in high performing, hyper growth organisations for 13 years like LinkedIn and Gartner. International sales driven and culture driven businesses made me thrive. I lived in America, London, Dublin and Amsterdam and simply enjoyed the diversity of people, their skills, insights and mindset whilst all having the focus, flexibility and fun to grow the business.
Next to my corporate life I was drawn to studies like Intercultural communication (Master Degree at UvA) Team, Organisational and Performance coaching (Intermediate Degree at ORSC - Schouten en Nelissen), Positive psychology (and change management), and to passions like yoga, sports (anything outdoors), family (3 kids in the meantime) and friends (the best).
At a certain point I decided to combine my experiences, studies and passions. This is how “ the Optimist’s corner” was born. Being positive is the source of your success, of your team and of your business.
Embracing a positive change and letting people, leaders and teams grow has always been my passion in my career. It’s the most fulfilling part in my work . Great to meet you here at the Optimist’s corner.